
While you wait….Enjoy!

icanflyCan’t believe that I have been away from writing for a whole two weeks spending time with family but all through the break I never stopped praying for you, asking God for ways to encourage us all, reaching out to my friends who have walked this road and have come out with amazing testimonies (some of them would be sharing in the coming weeks so watch this space!!) and to crown it all, I received wonderful news from one of us – she is expecting!  So, because I am certain that our God is not a respecter of persons, the river of mercy that is flowing will get to you such that you would also share your ‘exciting news’.

While you wait for that to happen, enjoy (live) your life to the fullest.  We know that this waiting period can be intense given the society we are in.  However, we must endure like good soldiers (2Tim2:3); oh yes! We know that our battle is not about us BUT about God, therefore we cannot waste our pain in self-pity and depression, we must fight the good fight of faith.  Therefore reject the lies, pity, report, fear and anxiety that come with waiting.  We are more than this.


Peer pressure never ends.  Does it? Well, sometimes, we find ourselves comparing ourselves to others thereby afflicting ourselves with the emotional trauma of ‘if only I had…’, ‘kai, see ‘summer’ enjoyment oh, if only…’. Dear friends, you honestly have everything you need for today, truly EVERYTHING.  There is no better time to recount your blessings than now, so be grateful.  Remember that most people did not get to make it into the new month, so would you also like to compare yourself with them also? The grass is never greener on the other side, so enjoy where you are right now, infact have a blast with your life because you made it alive! So there is hope for better things to come.  The scriptures says that If we compare ourselves with ourselves, we are not wise (2Cor 10:12). 

Now, this is holiday season where families get to spend time together, taking pictures of various activities and ‘showcasing’ their little ones.  Several years ago, I would find myself dreaming and wishing of when I would be able to do this too…and so (not to ‘dull’ myself lol) I would drive to my sister’s place, carry her kids in the car, then we would go to the park and play all day and create loads of holiday memories. It was loads of fun.  Looking back, I think God led me to spend this time wisely as against doing nothing, waiting for when my own kids would come.  This year, we found the opportunity to create memories with our daughter. I am certain you will too.

But…don’t wait till then.   Enjoy right now! Enjoy your wife (or husband), enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, live out your passions and enjoy life.  Don’t procrastinate your happiness or progress.  Refuse to compare yourself with others, choose to be wise.

I believe God for you.

5 thoughts on “Enjoy

  1. God bless you ma for opening my eyes to the realisation that every minute counts. So while I wait knowing that God has a PLAN… I have decided to ENJOY N LIVE while God unfolds the package… I will Live joyfully as I wait… Thanks


  2. Men are in sizes, Destinies are in categories. I think we should never pray to have another man’s destiny but learn to enjoy ours. Tnx sis Chi


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